Ep 81. The Realism of Teenage Mental Health & Wellness: Dr. Tracy Shaw

Yesterday, the world came together to remember the horrific terrorist attacks on the United States. Memories of the thousands of lost lives continue to bring sadness to the families and those who survived. We at The SonRise Project extend our continued sympathy and prayers for all who continue to grieve.
Today we plan to have a frank discussion about our teens and their emotional health and well-being.

We will talk about acknowledging their experiences and emotions. What are the realities of stress, anxiety, and depression in our young men? Let's move past denial and face it together this morning with our guest speaker Dr. Tracy Shaw. 


Ep 95. The “I'm not gon' cry” syndrome: Sharon Green


Ep 80. Suicide Prevention For Youth in BIPOC Communities: Dr. Sherry Davis Molock